Earthing or Grounding – what is it and what does it do for me?
Those of you that know me pretty well know that I’ve had some major health problems the last few years. Through a variety of tests, accidents, ironies, herbs, and good people in my corner, I have it narrowed down and under control. However, it took me a LONG time to get there. Throughout the learning and experimenting process, I learned of this thing called earthing.
What the heck?
No, I’m not turning into a super crazy hippy lady who will be wearing mumus the rest of my life. However, I do love a good balance of medicine, herbs, and natural healing. So many pollutants in our environment are drastically changing how our bodies heal and react, and on the same token we aren’t enjoying the benefits of good ol’ Mother Earth like we used to.
So back to earthing.
In short, your body isn’t getting enough of a negative charge due to the high amount of time humans now spend indoors or covered up. Lucky for you, the earth produces that negative charge. Remember when you were a kid and you would play outside for hours climbing trees, digging in the dirt, playing in the sandbox, etc? Then you slept like a baby all night. You know in the summer how you like to take your shoes off while playing with the kids or sit outside while reading a book, then that evening you sleep better than you have in weeks? That’s earthing.
When any body part makes a direct contact with earth, whether through grass, dirt, water, soil, sand, your body receives a direct charge of energy. This recharge helps calm the brain and slow down the other organs.
How do you partake in this thing called earthing or grounding? Simply take your shoes off and hang out outside. It only takes 5 minutes a day to get some major benefits.
Here are the bulk of benefits you will receive:
*Active Immune System
-This means that your body will more quickly fight off inflammation, infection, stress, trauma and toxins
*Regulates Cortisol Levels
-better sleep
-helps chronic pain
-corrects stress levels
*Inflammatory and Immune System Issues
Don’t believe me? Google “benefits of earthing” and see what you find. What are you waiting for? It’s free, it’s easy, it’s fun. Get outside and get your body in a better state!